Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Function of a Manager - 1381 Words

Various factors outline ones ability to manage effectively and define their individual style of management. These factors could be the managers past work experience and styles adapted from their prior managers and bosses, their educational background, the number of employees they are managing, current events, government restrictions, and their level or position within the company. In different companies, the managers functions differ, but some of the most common include coaching, delegation, leading, managing work, planning, and motivating. Motivation is clearly a way to enhance the performance of employees and boost the morale of the company. When morale decreases for any reason, productivity usually tumbles right along with it.†¦show more content†¦One of the most common forms of motivation in the workplace are employee incentive programs. These programs can include incremental pay increases or bonuses based on the success of an individual employee, or from a group within the staff which is highly successful in their tasks. One study conducted indicated, that, any incentive plan, regardless of its structure, is better than none at all. They also found that plotting results on a graph each day facilitated performance under incentive plans. (Daniels) From a personal level, my experience working in the hospitality industry for one of the largest corporations in the industry for the past few years has lead me to understand the importance of motivation and the overall importance of a manager being a positive and motivating individual. After working under several different managers who utilized very different managing and motivation styles and techniques, Ive been able to see what proved effective in the long run. Ive participated in various incentive programs, those which offered monetary rewards along with those which offered prizes such as movie tickets to gift certificates for restaurants and being deemed Associate of the Quarter. I strongly agree with Scott Hays article on Incentive Programs in the workplace, depends on whether the rewards help support corporate goals, such as increased profit and customer loyalty, or ifShow MoreRelatedThe Functions Of A Manager1490 Words   |  6 Pages The functions of a manager can be considered a circle of actions in which each component leads to the next (Liebler McConnell, 2008, p. 52). The manager carries out activities in a complex unified manner. Gulick identified the traditional functions of a manager and Urwick based on the earlier work of Henri Fayol; the classic functions of a manager are planning, decision making, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling. 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